Pantelis Sopasakis

IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca



LibForBES is a C++ library which allows users to formulate generic convex optimisation problems and solve them using forward-backward envelope methods.


Stochastic MPC on GPUs

This is a CUDA-implementation of an dual accelerated proximal gradient algorithm for scenario-based model predictive control problems. The structure of the optimization problem is employed to accelerate computations; very high speedups (ranging from x10 up to x100) are observed compared to the corresponding GPU implementation.

Runtime of APG

JAQPOT Quattro

JAQPOT Quattro is a predictive toxicology platform on the web which combines machine learning, cheminformatics, linked data and web technologies with the OpenTox and eNanomapper APIs to deliver a generic and interoperable solution for drug discovery.

Jaqpot logo


Safemsg is a secure message exchange system that features self-destruction of messages upon access and client-side encryption of all data so that the server has zero knownledge of the messages it stores.

Safemsg procedure

MPC for pharmacokinetic systems

This is a simulation framework for the intravenous administration of drugs and its control by means of offset-free model predictive control. The toolbox is developed in MATLAB/Simulink. Read also: P. Sopasakis, P. Patrinos, H. Sarimveis (2014), Robust model predictive control for optimal continuous drug administration, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 116, pp. 193-204 (bibtex).

PBPK MPC control scheme

MPC for linear impulsive systems

A MATLAB toolbox that allows the design of model predictive controllers for linear impulsive systems. The toolbox is based on the paper: P. Sopasakis, P. Patrinos, H. Sarimveis and A. Bemporad (2014),

Model predictive control for linear impulsive systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60(8), 2015 (bibtex)
Impulsive MPC concept

Fractional-order PID for drug administration

A fractional-order PID controller can be used for the controlled drug administration of drugs that follow complex pharmacokinetics such as Amiodarone. You can find details in the paper: P. Sopasakis and H. Sarimveis (Aug. 2014), Controlled Drug Administration by a Fractional PID, 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa (pdf, slides, bibtex)

Fractional-PK topology