Personal Info
Laura Puglia
IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca
Piazza San Ponziano 6, 55100 Lucca, Italy
Phone: +39 0583 4326750
E-mail: laura.puglia [at]
I was born in Naples (Italy) in 1985. I received my MS in
Management Engineering in 2010 from the University of
Siena. Currently I am a doctoral student in Information
and Communication Technologies at the University of Trento
Since September 2011 I joined the DYSCO research
unit at IMT Lucca as a research collaborator.
My main interests include stochastic control and energy
related problems.
See my full curriculum
vitae and my publications.
Refereed Proceedings
- L. Puglia, D. Bernardini and A. Bemporad, A
multi-stage stochastic optimization approach to
optimal bidding on energy markets, in Proc. 50th
IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control and European Control
Conference, Orlando, FL, 2011. To appear.
- A. Bemporad, L. Puglia and T. Gabbriellini,
A stochastic Model predictive control approach to
dynamic option hedging with transaction costs, in
Proc. of American Control Conference, San Francisco, CA,
2011, pp. 3862-3867.
- A. Bemporad, T. Gabbriellini, L. Puglia and L.
Bellucci, Scenario-based stochastic model predictive
control for dynamic option hedging, in Proc. 49th
IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Atlanta, GA, 2010,
pp. 6089-6094.
Submitted Papers
- L. Puglia, A. Jokic and A. Virag, Double-sided
ancillary services markets: design and optimal bidding
strategies, accepted at 10th International Conf.
on the European Energy Market, Stockolm, Sweden, 2013.
- A. Bemporad, L. Puglia and T. Gabbriellini, Stochastic model predictive
control for dynamic option hedging with transaction
costs, submitted for journal publication.
- L. Puglia, Stochastic model predictive control
for dynamic hedging of financial options, M.E.
thesis, University of Siena, Italy, April 2010. In
- L. Puglia, Generation and solution of instances
for a sequencing problem in a steel plant, B.S.
thesis, University of Siena, Italy, December 2007. In